MaSaKo's Profile (English)

In Living Color Fly Girls
Herman’s Head / Fly Girls Guest
John & Liza Morning Show / Fly Girls Guest
Home Show / Fly Girls Guest
Appearance ABC
Vicky Lawrence Talk Show / Fly Girls Guest

FOX Christmas CM / Fly Girls Guest
Disney Indiana Jones CM / Dancer, Actress

MYA, USA Tour / Dancer
Shanice Wilson / Dancer
Dustin Hoffman’s Private Party / Fly Girls Guest
Disney VSDA / Dancer
Disney One Man’s Dream / Dancer
Warner Brothers event in Las Vegas / Dancer
Warner Brothers VSDA Industrial in Las Vegas / Dancer
Calvin Klein Fashion show / Dancer

MYA“Movin’ Out ft.Raekwon.Noreaga” PV Dancer
Foxy Empire Dancer

Toshinobu Kubota“STAR LIGHT”/ Choreography
John Robinson / Choreography, Dancer
Melody “Next To You” / Choreography, Dancer
Melody “Take a Chance”, “Crystal Love” / Choreography
Tommy February 6 “Magic in Your Eyes” / Choreography
Bobby Summer “Oh My Darling” / Choreography
Crystal Kay “Boy friend-part II” / Dancer
Double “Who’s That Girl” / Dancer
Crystal Kay “Ex-Boy Friend”/ Dancer
Shogo Hamada “Love has no pride” / Dancer
LIVERworld Concert image /Dancer
“Music station” (TV-Asahi)
“Music fair”
“Pop Jam”(NHK)
“Countdown Groove”(TBS)

Takefuji CM 2001 / Choreography
Melody, Biglobe CM, Net Spice Campaign / Choreography
DDI Television CM / Dancer
Tipness CM / Dancer

Toshinobu Kubota “Nothing But As One Tour 2000” / Dancer
Toshinobu Kubota “Mo’ Bounce To The Once Tour 2003”/ Choreography, Dancer
Toshinobu Kubota “We For Real Tour 2006” / Choreography, Dancer
Toshinobu Kubota “TIMELESS FLY TOUR 2010”/ Choreography, Dancer
Ashanti “Japan Tour 2003”/ Dancer
Miss Universe JAPAN 2004 / Choreography Assistant, Dancer
Yellow Generation / Choreography
Quick Silver Fashion show / Choreography
Adidas Dance event / Choreography, Dancer
Adidas Fashion show / Choreography
Avex Fashion show / Model, Dancer
Jan Franco Ferre Fashion show / Model, Dancer
Astel Event / Model, Dancer
Coca-Cola Opening event / Dancer
NBA Japan Halftime show / Dancer
「Girls, Girls, Girls」 / Dancer
Shiki Theatrical Company「Ilya Darling」/ Dancer, Actress
Envoyer de MaSaKo Project, Production, Choreography,Clothes, Appearance